The Yorkton Cross Country Ski Club held its 2013-14 Annual General Meeting on Oct. 1st. The meeting was well attended with over 20 members attending.
The meeting was highlighted by the election of the new executive and directors who will lead the continued growth and success of the club.
The following people were elected to represent the members for this season
President - Barry Rogers
Vice-President - Anne Stupak
Secretary/Treasurer - Donna Rogers
Susan Hurst (Events)
Ken Gedak (Grooming)
Wendy Zaporosky
Brenda Haacke
Roy Lanaway
The following volunteers have also stepped up to commit to leading a project or event this season
Technical Clinician - Wax and Ski Clinics - Warren Popick
Event Lead (one event - To be determined) - Nadine Frisk
Grooming - Brian Kruger and Bob Purton
The club members supported a number of tremendous initiatives the will enable the club to continue to grow this season. There are several which will kick-off even before the snow falls!
The following events will help us to kick off the ski season - final planning and dates to be determined for some fall events;
-Ski Wax Clinic - a must for all skiers to understand how be prepare their skis for all conditions. Date and time for this event will be posted very soon.
-Sports Day in Canada - Nov 30th - Kick off to the ski season
-Ski equipment donation project - Community wide event to see if the club can get donations from members or anyone in the community who has old ski equipment sitting in their basement. The club will make use of this equipment at our "learn to ski" and "try skiing for a day" projects later this season.
More information on the ski club events to follow once the new executive have had an opportunity to review the calendar of events and form committees of volunteers to run these events.
If anyone can volunteer their expertise to the club please do not hesitate to send us a note to the club email. The more helpers the better to run events efficiently and ensure that everyone has an opportunity to participate.
Please email the club email address if you have an interest in assisting at any event and we will forward your contact information along to the event chairperson. Thanks for helping the club!
Lots more information to follow.
YCCSC Executive